iPhone best hack and slash game app

Back Story

A long time ago, due to the sudden appearance of a dragon, the kingdom was plunged onto the verge of collapse.
The people banded together and fought back furiously, but they were helpless against the massive power of the dragon, and one by one, they were being slaughtered.
The people eventually lost hope, and cursed their fates, and the once shining kingdom was about to lose its former majesty.

But then, a single brave warrior stood up to fight.
His journey was long and treacherous.
Throughout his quest, many obstacles and difficulties came his way, but he refused to lose heart, and continued his journey with a brave heart and a strong will.
At the end of his long quest, the young warrior finally arrived at the mountain where the dragon lived.

At the mountain’s peak, as high as the clouds, the young warrior defeated the dragon with splendid skill.
With its wings lost, the dragon had no means of escape.
To make sure that nothing like this would ever happen again, the young warrior cut out the dragon’s heart, and smashed it to pieces.

Peace was once again restored to the kingdom.
The people triumphantly welcomed back the young warrior.
The king gave his throne to the young warrior, and he then became the new king.
With the new king in power, the kingdom flourished, and the people were overjoyed to finally have true peace at last.

And so, several hundred years would pass…

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