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Other World Settings


Republic of Gringard

This work is set in a multi-ethnic nation located in the southwestern part of the continent, composed of various races.
The story begins 30 years after a bloodless revolution led by the people’s faction transitioned the kingdom into a republic.

Despite the revolution, the old royal family is still present, and many states still have former local lords serving as state governors, retaining much of the old aristocratic society. The titles and ranks of the nobility remain intact, and there are still many who do not accept the revolution. As a result, there is intense political strife between the people’s faction, which has overwhelming support from the populace and holds the presidency, and the aristocratic faction, making the domestic situation somewhat unstable.

Isberg State

A state located in the northeastern part of the Republic of Gringard, bordered by the Lindahl Empire to the northeast and the Kingdoms of Eldrua to the southwest. Historically a conflict-prone area, its eastern part is covered by a vast forest, making it ideal for defense as large armies cannot easily traverse it. The current governor is Klaus von Walenstein, a former grand noble of Gringard known as the Duke of Isberg.

Eldorfold State

A vast state in the southern part of the Republic of Gringard. The current governor is Ehrenfried von Werner, the leading noble of the republic. Far from the royal capital, the impact of the revolution has been minimal, and it still retains the appearance of an aristocratic society.

Lindahl Empire

An imperial state boasting the largest territory on the continent, located to the northeast of the Republic of Gringard. The population is mostly composed of elves, with the imperial family at the top. The vast territory is divided into seven administrative regions, each governed by one of seven legion commanders.

The local lords, or nobles, of this country are traditionally contractors with “Guardian Angels,” passed down through generations. The presence of these “angels” is recognized as the proof of their noble status granted by the gods. The contractors of the powerful seven archangels are produced by seven noble families and serve as the commanders of the seven legions, with the imperial family, as the contractor of “Archangel Michael,” governing the central lands of the imperial capital as the commander of the first legion.

Additionally, legion commanders, acting under the influence of the imperial family, independently manage military actions in various regions including the Gringard Republic, the Kingdoms of Eldrua, and the northern barbarian territories.

Vindelheim State

A state located in the southwestern part of the Lindahl Empire, bordering the Gringard Republic to the west and the Eldrua Kingdoms to the south.
It belongs to the Fourth Imperial Legion, and its legion commander is Duke Dietrich von Scharnhorst, the contractor of “Archangel Uriel.”

The Eldrua Kingdoms

Located in the southern part of the continent, southeast of the Gringard Republic, it is a conglomerate of dwarf ethnic states. Although referred to as kingdoms, they do not function as a unified state.
The dwarf kings sometimes fight and sometimes cooperate with each other to expand their territories, making Eldrua a land of prolonged conflict.

Each kingdom is led by a tribal chief who holds the title of king, and all the chiefs are contractors with “demons.”
However, there are ranks among these “demons,” and kings who can control higher-ranking “demons” dominate chiefs who are contractors with lower-ranking “demons,” thus expanding their territories. Currently, Eldrua is controlled by nine powerful tribes.

The Kingdom of Hazenbine

A kingdom located in the western part of Eldrua, governed by a tribe that borders the Gringard Republic.
The kingdom is ruled by King Hazenbine, one of the nine prominent Eldrua kings, who has recently established friendly relations with the Gringard Republic.

In the Eldrua Kingdoms, the name of the kingdom is generally taken from the name of the tribal chief who is the king.



You (Protagonist)

In the year 1312 of the Continental Calendar. You are a newly recruited regular member of the guild. The story begins as you are assigned to the Skog village at the Gringard Republic headquarters.


A mysterious black-haired woman who was captured by thieves. She has lost most of her memories and is searching for her brother named Leon based on the few memories she has left. She is skilled at brewing tea.


The brother Loretta is searching for.

Gringard Republic

Lord Klaus von Walenstein

One of the great nobles who once governed Isberg State, holding the title of Duke. He was known as the Duke of Isberg. Currently, he serves as the governor of Isberg State.

Franz von Walenstein

The eldest son of Lord Klaus and the heir of the Walenstein family. Raised by an old gentleman who serves the family, he is somewhat naive but has a strong sense of justice.

Lord Georg von Hannawald

A high-ranking knight in the Gringard Republic’s knightly order. Renowned for his exceptional skills, he is known internationally as a master of the Wind Blade Sword. His title is Viscount.

Melissa, the Black-Clad Witch

A high-ranking witch who has recently risen to prominence in the Gringard Republic. She has made her presence felt in the political world and has gained the trust of many influential nobles.

Lord Ehrenfried von Werner

The current governor of Eldorfold State, which spans the southern part of the Gringard Republic. Once the leading noble who ruled over the entire Eldorfold State, he still wields immense power within the republic. Holding the title of Duke, he is often referred to as the Duke of Eldorfold or Duke Werner, commanding great respect among other nobles. Since the kingdom era, he has maintained the private Eld Knight Order under his command.

Eld Knight Kurtz

A young knight belonging to the Eld Knight Order.

Eld Knight Volker

A young knight belonging to the Eld Knight Order.

Eld Knight Siegbert

A high-ranking knight in the Eld Knight Order. He holds the title of Baron and is a competent commander on the field.

Viscount Nikolaus

Once a great mage belonging to the Kingdom’s knightly order, he is now the president of the Royal University and a leading scholar in historical research.

Lord Matthias von Cleve

A local noble who serves as the chairman of the Republic Parliament. He belongs to Lord Werner’s faction of nobles. His title is Count.

Lindahl Empire

Lord Dietrich von Scharnhorst

The lord of Vindelheim, contracted with the Archangel Uriel. He serves as the commander of the Fourth Legion of the Empire. Among the seven legion commanders of the Empire, he is particularly noted for his strategic prowess and high military capability, earning him the nickname “the right arm of the Lindahl Empire.” He holds the title of Duke.

Lord Bartholomeus von Loewenstein

The chief knight of the Imperial Knights and serves as the head of the knight order. He holds the title of Count. An elderly knight renowned as the strongest on the continent, he has gained fame as a master of the “Divine Light Sword” technique.

In his earlier years, he caught the eye of Legion Commander Dietrich by decisively cutting down the rogue guardian of the previous knight commander with a single stroke, leading to his recommendation and appointment as the current head of the knight order. He is feared by some and referred to as the “God Slayer.”

Prince Julius

The third son of the Lindahl Imperial family. Rumored to be the next guardian of the royal family, and thus the next emperor. Despite his capabilities, he shows no ambition and rarely appears on the public stage.

Imperial Knight Dorothea

A female knight of the Empire who wields the “Ice Cleave Sword” technique. Known for her strong sense of justice and compassion. She is a close friend and rival of Imperial Knight Monica and is called the “Blue Knight.”

Imperial Knight Monica

A female knight of the Empire who wields the “Flame Blade” technique. She has been Dorothea’s partner since their time as squire knights, and they continue to compete with each other in swordsmanship. Her family is wealthy, and she is known as the “Red Knight.”

Imperial Knight Hans

A knight belonging to the Imperial Knights. Talented but still developing, he is an eager young man who strives for accomplishments beyond his current abilities.

Lord Detmar

A local noble of Vindelheim. Ambitious and skilled in commerce, he has risen to prominence in this conflict-prone region.

Eldrua Kingdoms

King Hazenbine

One of the nine kings of the Eldrua Kingdoms and a contractor with the demon Belial. He possesses overwhelming combat abilities and subjugates surrounding tribes through military force. However, he is not a tyrant; he also possesses the intelligence and sensibility to read the times and strives for the prosperity of his territory.


A female warrior from a minor tribe within the Kingdom of Hazenbine in Eldrua. She wields a large bow and harbors doubts about the existence of guardians like demons and angels.


A warrior from the same tribe as Francesca, wielding a large club. He is an exceptionally large dwarf, feared and known as the ogre’s offspring. He was defeated by Francesca in his youth and has followed her ever since.



A senior analyst at the Gringard Republic Headquarters of the guild. She is an intelligent woman with curly hair and large glasses, skilled in magic but not in cooking.


A veteran member of the Gringard Republic Headquarters of the guild, serving as Katarina’s bodyguard. She is a tall woman with short hair, and her swordsmanship is said to rival that of high-ranking knights from major nations.


World Settings


A global organization established to maintain public order, with branches throughout the continent. Branches are typically set up in administrative districts (states), and regional headquarters are formed by integrating multiple branches. As such, it is common for a regional headquarters to encompass an entire nation, especially in small to medium-sized countries. The Gringard Republic, the setting of this story, also has its own Gringard Republic Headquarters. Each regional headquarters appoints a Guild Master, who is entrusted with full authority over the region.

The overall operation of the guild is conducted by a council of Guild Masters from six special regional headquarters, who decide on basic policies for international issues and select Guild Masters for each regional headquarters.

Guild Master

The overseer of a regional headquarters of the guild. Guild members usually receive instructions from the guild, but Guild Masters have the authority to issue directives to members in their region. They also have the power to certify regular guild members and manage the operations of the regional headquarters. The true identity of a Guild Master, beyond their name, is kept confidential, and even veteran members rarely meet them directly.

Each regional headquarters across the continent has a Guild Master, but six Guild Masters who oversee important regions are called Senior Guild Masters (Grand Masters) and determine the overall operational policies of the guild.

Underground Guild

Also known as the Assassin Guild. Members bear a tattoo of a two-headed snake as a sign of their membership and are generally skilled in assassination techniques. They maintain a certain order in the underworld and are feared by criminals and those in the underground society.


A group of knights led by a Knight Commander. There are various sizes of knight orders, ranging from those directly serving the state or royal family to private knight orders of local nobility.


Members of a knight order are called knights. While there are some differences between orders, knights are commonly those who have sworn loyalty in exchange for land and often hold titles of nobility. Many possess exceptional combat abilities, and in addition to physical skills like swordsmanship and archery, some are also proficient in magic.


A power that can utilize, amplify, and release natural energy from the earth. Although rare, some individuals do not exhibit magic, but most people are born with it. Magic is used in combat, but also as a primary power source in this world alongside fossil fuels, utilizing simple storage devices to power various everyday tools.


Some individuals, not just humans but also plants and animals, possess magic, and such creatures are referred to as “monsters.”